• J.A.L. Sterling Postgraduate Bursary Award

    supported by The British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association

    & The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers

    The Call

    Download the details of the J.A.L. Sterling Postgraduate Bursary Award in cooperation with The Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London and The Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London


    Closing Date: midnight BST 23 July 2024


    The BLACA-Stationers' Company Professor Sterling postgraduate bursary award scheme aims to benefit candidates in the relevant cohort who can show commitment to developing professional and transferrable skills in the content industries.



    All enquiries concerning the bursary scheme or subject guidelines should be directed to Professor Uma Suthersanen, BLACA Committee Member/Queen Mary London (u.suthersanen@qmul.ac.uk) or Professor Tanya Aplin, King’s College London (t.aplin@kcl.ac.uk).